The New York Times Travel Show 2016


We travel for a number of reasons whether it's for rest and relaxation, a new experience, taking on a challenge, pursuing an interest, or a social cause; whatever the drive, the choices are immense. The show is a great opportunity and a platform to showcase destinations and travel products on the marketplace, as well as allowing for personal interaction.



 Africa Travel Association
The Corporate Council 
on Africa

Technological advancements have also brought information closer to us, to better aid our decision making. One of the highlights was at the South African booth trying a virtual reality tour using the Oculus Rift headset. Seeing some of the country's sites and attractions while gliding over waters, or encountering an elephant up close and personal was without a doubt a new experience. The take away from the show; those who had visited Africa had found it to be life changing  in one form or another.

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