It’s Cultural and Virtual Compiled by Google

Google Cultural Institute

Connecting Museums


Moments of history past and present of the world we live in, are depicted through exhibits and different mediums. Whether it's artifacts, objects, photography, works of art, music, video, written etc., they bring to life cultural expressions. The passage of time covering people, places, things, activities, and the different cultural habits of the many people around the world.


We can see cultural differences: in the foods that are eaten, the clothing that's worn, the landscape that are lived in, the homes that are inhabited, the different colors and textures that are used, the crafts that are made, and the music that's composed. These are just a few of daily habits that are often studied and brought together by museums.


Museums, are a way of bringing many different areas of interest to light for public viewing. Google has partnered with many of them around the globe, linking the exhibits and making them more reachable and accessible. This enables us to see things online and connects us to exhibits, which we may not physically be able to go to. The internet and the technological advancements have made this possible.


Has changed many of our lives and we now have so much more information made readily available. The cultural and entertainment scene is very much part of that, with google being at the forefront of these changes. Being able to enjoy and view exhibits from our homes and also enjoy new virtual forms of entertainment, making the user experience that much better. In whatever format the cultural experience is delivered, there is much to discover.


Historical, pictorial and social behaviors are things we like to understand, question and discover. We like to know the time period, how people lived, how and why they acted or reacted in a certain way, the items made or used at the time, all build a better understanding. Present day activities are also shown informing us of the latest developments, trends and interpretations for us to explore. These contributing factors determine what we hear, see and read.


We can analyze, critique and pause for thought. Many points of view try to extrude and understand, we may get close to interpreting or be at a crossroad of decision making. A combination of factors to take in but a subjective view within. We are presented with ample material and there is always more to reveal. 


Collecting, preserving, recording data has allowed us to look at our lives, see the changes, developments and advancements. We can view, review and even build our own collection of materials through the Google Cultural Institute. The building, linking and development continues and the further along we go, the journey of learning continues.


We can find new things, rediscover old, be entertained, get inspiration or be moved with emotion. We can study for pleasure or for academic reasons and be absorbed by the scope of information. The institutions that gather, sort and collate the materials, provide us with an invaluable resource.

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