Riding Waves


Exhilarating! That’s what I would imagine that surfers must feel, out in the ocean and looking for waves to ride. I’m not a surfer but I admire the skill of surfers and their ability to master waves. I always get amazed by the human quest for a challenge, pushing the boundaries in pursuit of an interest, a sport, hobby or career.


Have you ever wondered what it would be like to see what a surfer sees while surfing through waves? Technology has now enabled us to see so much more... Take a look at the following:

On GoPro site  

Anthony Walsh-African Barrels                                                                      

Taking on waves in Namibia (can find under videos&photos and go to surf playlist). Can also find on Youtube. It's really worth watching!  

 Film Documentary                                                                                           

The Endless Summer  

A movie made in the 60's, known in the surfing circles. A couple of young surfers who take a summer adventure to explore waves in different destinations. There first stop is in Africa Senegal, followed by Ghana, Nigeria and South Africa. Encountering locals (who had never seen a surfer before), hitching a ride and finding the 'perfect wave'  are just a few of the eventful tales on their journey.                                                                                     


A site for all things related to surfing, with a list of surfing destinations.  Can get weather forecast updates, surf and wave conditions through their cam report. Watch videos and view photos, get tips and there is a lot more to explore.




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