Connecting in Multiple Ways

Connecting and discovering can be done through business, leisure, and social enterprise. In a recent write up in the AAA Traveler magazine, some companies have partnered and combined these causes.

If it's taking a trip, volunteering can be combined within the itinerary, a nice way to be able to engage and interact with locals. Travel is not the only way to be involved, purchasing handmade items is another way to connect and discover new products.  Below are examples of a couple of companies that have forged working partnerships that operate and fit different needs.

African Travel, safari specialists have opportunities to volunteer. Whether it's spending a day or more helping with local projects, It's a way to relate, give a helping hand and gain a better understanding of the environment

Me to We, a company that has created and built social enterprise partnerships in different parts of the world. A venture with the Maasai women of Kenya called,' Massai mamas' a project involved with the craft of beading.

The women who create beautiful colorful accessories, make and sell their products for income. These can be purchased through Me to We, which believes that you can change people's lives in the purchases that you make. By choosing to purchase one of their handmade products (Me) translates into (We) ultimately helping others.                                                                                                                               

Combining a trip while experiencing and learning the craft of beading, is another activity that is available.

The opportunities and options created through social enterprise allow for the opportunity to connect and discover. This can be done through purchasing, taking a trip, or learning something new.