Adventure Aquarium

Camden, New Jersey

A day at Camden Aquarium near Philadelphia is a fun day out. Plenty of exhibits and activities to explore. The Hippopotamus Haven is a highlight and a rare attraction for an aquarium to house hippos. Seeing the Nile hippos and getting to grasp the sheer size and weight of them at close proximity, is awesome! There are scheduled times if you want to see them being fed and also a talk given, explaining the river habitat that they live in.                                                                                                                                       River HippoWater Hippos Below are some African Penguins from South Africa. We managed to see them being fed their fish diet and learnt the quantity that they consume. An interesting talk was given explaining those that study them (biologists) and the daily habits that they monitor. It's also a good opportunity to find out and ask questions from those that take care of them.                                                                                                                    Penguin Island                      




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