Cooper Hewitt Museum




new cooper hewitt photo

The Smithsonian Design Museum, located in New York City brings the historical development of design spanning centuries. Over the years the museum has acquired objects and materials from sources around the globe and through the exhibits shows the diversity and creativity of the human mind.

On a recent visit to the museum, I was able to use an interactive pen that allowed me to collect and save items, which I was then able to retrieve and further enjoy at home. Being able to collect and review your favorite objects and start a personal museum, is not only a fun and innovative idea but it also extends and enhances the whole experience.

West African Textiles

The museum recently had an exhibit by David Adjaye, a distinguished architect who not only has a number of accolades but has designed many structures around the globe. Adding to the list of architectural accomplishments, will be the soon to be opened Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, D.C.   

The exhibit was a selection of textile designs from West Africa. The items were hand-picked by the architect from The Cooper Hewitt collection; bringing a personal perspective and interpretation of the textiles. 

Below are some of the chosen textilestextiles David Adjaye






                              David Adjaye hat collection copy                             


David Adjaye word picks
Some points he looks at in the textiles


Look at some of his work                               on           




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