Dogs: The Companions We’ve Grown to Love

Genomic History of Dogs

Are dogs descended from wolves? If they are, what part of the world did they originate? What’s the history of dogs? These are some of the questions that scientists have and are exploring.

Potus Skoglund’s findings on dog ancestry going back thousands of years dates African dogs to the Levant Neolithic era. These dogs dating 7,000 years ago show a close link to present day dogs. Genetic testing and ancestry models on ancient dog populations, also identifies the integration between wolves and dogs back in time.

Get to Know 8 Dogs That Originated From Africa

workers, hunters, companions, guards……

6 Facts on Dogs From the American Kennel Club

Puppies are born deafUnique nose printSense heat and thermal radiation through nose
They have 300 million smell receptorsWhen they curl up to sleep like a ball, they’re protecting their organsDogs see blue and yellow

African Wild Dog

African Wild Dogs are found mainly in Eastern and Southern regions of Africa. The Cape hunting or painted dogs have distinctive markings on their coats.

The dogs move around in packs, communicate more like birds, and are very good hunters.

They’re an endangered species that have only a few thousand remaining.

African Wild Dogs can travel long distances. Read about a 1,300-mile, nine-month journey made by some dogs. Scientists monitored and tracked their journey crossing Zambia, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe.

Originally from Congo

Hunts small game

Yodels rather than barks

Gargoyle of dog, Cathedral Washington D.C.

Appears in frescoes dating 6,000 years