African Clean Energy from Lesotho

A company out of Maseru has invented a biomass cookstove that on many fronts addresses some of the problems faced with cooking habits across the region. Wood for many years has been primarily used as fuel for cooking which over the course of time has led to deforestation. Collecting wood can also be time consuming and costly, in addition the emitting smoke is harmful to the environment. The health risks suffered through smoke inhalation, is also another contributing factor to finding an alternative fuel source.  

The Ace 1 cookstove, is clean burning using a solar charged battery which turns the biomass into a gas. The possible sources of biomass that can be used for example, are bamboo, dried dung and corn cobs. Overall it’s better for the environment, health and more efficient with less time being wasted on gathering wood. The stove also has outputs to charge LED lighting and mobile phones. It’s portable,comes in different colors******and can be used for camping, picknicking and other outdoor events.