Using IoT For Conservation

The Internet of Things is playing a major role in the gathering of data and analysis on many fronts. Using predictive analytics is now enabling conservationist in Africa to tackle poaching and save endangered wildlife.

A piloted project using IoT has been started at the Welgevonden Game Reserve in South Africa in collaboration between business entities and higher learning institutions from different countries. Rhino poaching has for many years been a particular problem in this region and the use of technology can better aid conservationists to combat poaching and save the depleted stock of rhinos.

The technique being used is attaching a collar with embedded sensors which are then placed on different animals of prey that normally attack rhinos. This allows data to be gathered and analyzed on the behavior of the animals and also better anticipate their movements through tracking and reach the endangered rhino before the prey.

Inter-connectivity through the Internet of Things is now able to assist conservationists to better understand, manage and protect wildlife habitats.

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