A Correspondents Life and Love for Africa

Love Africa book

"Before we left for Africa, I held that same vague patchwork of images in my head that many people hold, of suffering, disease, deprivation, and poverty. That part of Africa is real -but it's only that, part of the picture."

A trip to Africa during University days takes a hold of the author and is the beginning of a love for a continent.

The book is a journey of a correspondent's life and the husband and wife team that settle in Africa. It's about discovering stories of the human condition; differences, perspectives, and circumstances, and being exposed to the rawness of life in conflict zones. Fulfilling a lifelong ambition of a job posting,  overcoming the risks and harrowing moments of journalism, and the personal triumphs and challenges of love.

Love, Africa, is navigating and understanding the intricacies of life on the continent, marveling at its natural beauty while accepting the blemishes.

A worthwhile read......

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