Loving and Fighting for the Poor

Book Review

"To hope for life and grace to fight hard, because people are worth the fight."

This is a story of a remarkable young Katie Davis Majors who lives an extraordinary life in Uganda. Central to her life is her Christian faith and it has led her to care for people with broken lives, picking up the shattered pieces by loving them deeply and giving them hope. Adopting thirteen girls, making a home, and taking on family life is part of the many roles that she plays.

Having gone on a trip to Uganda during her senior year of high school, she returns to the country for another year instead of going to University. Plans change and she remains there feeling that she could make a difference in the lives of the people living in hardship. A country like Uganda faces many basic challenges and meeting some of those needs goes a long way. Katie began sponsoring children and that means they can go to school, get a nutritious meal and get some medical assistance. She then fosters some children and astoundingly eventually adopts thirteen girls! Becoming a young mother and raising a family is unlike any other household. Their daily lives are not that much different from what we might enjoy, reading, playing in the backyard, eating spaghetti and meatballs, playing board games, and doing regular chores. It’s a story not just about raising a family but extending that towards others.

At the core of Katie is the strength that she draws from her faith, guided by her biblical compass and driven to minister to those around her. She loves and cares for anybody that comes across her path unconditionally. Her home has been a temporary shelter for many and amongst those is a poignant story of a man. A hopeless case to most but from her perspective a man in need of hope, love, and acceptance. He was known to have been a drunkard and had knocked a lamp and burnt his home sustaining a badly burned leg. Katie Cared for the wound by scrapping away burnt flesh, dressing the bandages daily, accepting him as he was, learnt about his life and brought hope into his life, leading to a changed man. He stopped drinking, started working, and has a place of his own. Not all the outcomes in the book are as positive; her journey hasn’t been without heartache, loss, and pain but her dedication, selflessness, and courage are admirable.

I’m humbled having read this book and inspired by the generous spirit of Katie.

This book is from Blogging for Books program in exchange for an honest review.

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